Language of Light New Age Activation

This course will enable you to become a practitioner using the language of light awakening the voice of your soul. Learn how to channel your unique soul language energy for a powerful life transformation, to heal yourself and others, to assist the new age ascension and expand your spiritual growth, awareness and have a deeper understanding of your life’s purpose also working with galactic frequencies on a multidimensional level allowing clear connection to your hearts wisdom

Course Content

  • Introduction to light language and benefits
  • Cleansing, clearings and attunement
  • Activations, downloads & light codes
  • Souls activation and or other dialect activations
  • Heart activation
  • Activation to your galactic family
  • Intension setting, channeling and protection
  • Group and 1-2-1 practicals
  • Symbol and light code transmissions


You will be provided with your own certificate and manual on completion of the course